Sunday, July 10, 2011

10 things I need to tell you.

I have tried almost 3 times to blog about what's been on my mind lately and have come up short. I find it difficult in the most frustrating of times to convey my words in a manner that is both classy and eloquent. My thoughts are  jumbled, my writing is stagnant and I end up stopping the blog post because I have writers block. So, bullet points it is.

1. The Casey Anthony trial has me all kinds of dissapointed. I am dissapointed that the verdict the jury arrived at can be called justice. How can the jury convict her of lieing and then validate her claims that she didn't kill her child? The verdict made me sick and I am worried about the presidence it sets for future murder trials where the victim is beyond recognition. Furthermore, it really ticks me off that she thinks she has fooled the entire country. Believe me girl, we all know you did it.

2. I am sick of being on the blaming end of the stick when it comes to my children. Let me say this NOW. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to people that think I am a horribly selfish mother. I have done everything within my being to make sure that Isabel and Todd have everything they need and mostly what they want. I don't care if you think my parenting is blindly naive or seriously misled. My kids are walking proof that I will do whatever is necessary to take care of them. My faith in God is what guides me, not anyone else's uninformed judgements on my parenting. To those of you that would try and test my abilities as a mother, I say "I dare you."

3. The death of Shannon Ross brings to light some very real feelings of shock and loss. SHE WAS JUST HERE! Although the last time I saw her she was sitting quietly in the break room eating the soup of the day. I didn't say anything to her because I was sooo wrapped up in some kind of work stress that I didn't hardly notice she was there. Sad to say, but true. Anytime I see or use a pedometer, I will think of Shannon Ross. She would wear one at work and every day show me how many steps she had taken during the breakfast rush. Shannon loved ALL of the residents and always tried to make the aids jobs easier. I will miss seeing you Shannon and will think of you often.

4. The new season of the bachelorette is so irritating. My brother Jason loves it and tried to get me sucked in, but it never works! Her voice makes me want to change the channel.

5. I just want to be a make up artist already. I am in the process of going back to school for my estetician certification, but i just want to make people feel gorgeous! It has been a dream of mine forever and now I am finally doing it! Please be in prayer....

6. I really wish money grew on trees sometimes.

7. Being tanned during the summer really is wonderful. I wear less make up and don't care about leaving the house without mascara on. Now it's just fill in the brows and off I go!

8. Isabel's new hair cut is so much easier to deal with in the mornings! She no longer cries while I brush out tangles! What a praise report!

9. I miss my dad. Bottom line. There will be days, even weeks that go by when I don't think too long about him and then BAM! Like an unexpected ton of bricks, he is ever present in my mind. Todd Rhoadarmer would have loved my kids! Some people would treat their fathers as though they were no more than the man that helped create them, while there are others of us that long for just a glimpse of their father. What has the world come to when people thank their MOTHERS on FATHER's Day, when their father's have been everything they could ask for... and more?! Are you really so selfish??

10. I know it sounds like I am whining (and I am) but I had to get this out! I know that there are people that will read this and think I am horribly opinionated and I don't care right now. Disagree with me. I'm sure you have a ton to say about these things as well.


Monday, July 4, 2011

* * HoMe Of ThE bRaVe * *

Happy 4th of July everyone!!

Wishing all Americans a very happy and safe 4th of July! 

"Bleesed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."
Mathew 5:6