Friday, February 25, 2011

In the Beginning, There Was....

......a new car.

...... a new job title. responsibility.

And the light at the end of a very long tunnel.

To some, the idea of taking on a new job and buying their first car might not seem major. I am here to tell you that it has been major for this girl!!

First thing is first, let's talk about the new ride :))

It's a 2004 Saturn Ion. Automatic, 4 door, 48k miles on it, suicide doors for the kiddos and it only costs me 30 dollars to fill! I got it on Monday night and let me tell you! I hope I don't have to buy another car for a very long time! The salesman was nice enough, but as you probably suspected... the experience left me feeling worn out and very anxious. The next day I had concerns, but am finally feeling excited about my purchase :) It runs well and the sound system in it is fabulous. Todd and Isabel like it because they get to use the remote to lock and unlock the car.... oh, and hit the red panic button sometimes from inside the house when mommy isn't looking.

Next, let's talk shop. Today was officially my last day of orientation on the new job and I am a tad nervous for my first day on my own section. I know the people I work with and the residents schedules, so that is a  HUGE help when planning the morning routine. Other than a few massive bumps this week, my co workers have been helpful, patient and very caring when teaching me the ropes and for that I am soooo thankful. Please be in prayer about this as the next few months have the potential to be very overwhelming!

Next, let's talk kids. As I write this, Isabel is screaming, "Todd get out of the poisonous water and onto the boat!!" She has planted herself on the big couch under some pillows with Conner and Todd is running around the couch looking for a "ladder" to climb into the boat on....... SO SWEET! I love their ages right now because imagination is the key to fun. Todd and Conner usually end up doing whatever Isabel says, but I don't think they mind because they get so excited!! My cup runeth over :)

Waiting for cupcakes to be done cooking....

Playing the play dough :)

As I said before, we have Conner over tonight for a sleep over.... It's the first in a while so this should be energetic. Sophie is progressing well in her pregnancy and since she and Grant have my brothers over for the night at their house, I invited Conner over here. The three musketeers are laughing and running around the house right now, so all is well :)

In other news, I have the next 3 days off!! Thank you sweet Lord for breaks!! We have lunch tomorrow with my best friend Alyssa and her son Gabe, a birthday gathering tomorrow night and then church and the Children's Museum in Everett on Sunday. The kids are in for some very much needed fun!! I'm excited!!

Chat soon ;)


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