Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mrs. Buell

Today's blog is dedicated to my mom, THE Sherry Buell.

With Mother's Day being tomorrow, I thought I would take the opportunity to express to you all how much I love and appreciate my mother :) She is the youngest of three children born to my Grandma Frances and Grandpa Felix and for the better part of my childhood was the hardest working single mom I know. When I was born in 1986 she was married to my dad, Todd, and they were already in the process of raising my oldest sister, Sophie. At the rightful age of 18, she gave birth to me on a cold December morning at the Navy Base on Whidbey Island. What a day THAT was!!

But let's focus on the person at hand here....

I recently watched a video done by the Today show (if your my friend on fb, you saw the link I posted) and it asked the question: "What lessons have you learned from your mother?"

So, here is my answer :)

I have learned that it is only who you are in Christ that will define you in this life, and get you through it; that when I think of selfless behavior and Christ like love, I think of her. She has let me cry through my shame with her and reminded me to keep my head on straight and to keep moving forward.

My mom is awesome. She is steady, wise and the woman I credit to teaching me all things eye brow. It's funny to think that I have NEVER seen her in a swimsuit; Never been in an airplane with her; Never seen her smoke a cigarette. I have seen her with pink eye; seen her pregnant; seen her get married to the man of her dreams and I have seen her cry at the thought of her Savior's love for her. Sherry Buell, you're my hero.

There are 7 kids in our mixed family. Sophie (and Grant), Amanda, Brooke, Shayna, Jessica, Jason and Derek. We are spread around the greater Snohomish and King Counties but we all seem to be as close as if we were neighbors. In honor of Mother's Day we have something to say to you Mom.....

Love: Brooke, Sophie, Jason, Grant and Derek :))

Hahahaha, Surprise!!

My mom is brave when we can't muster the courage; patient when we throw the family into chaos; kind when others wouldn't be; honest when people are looking for truth; dedicated to her Lord and her family and most importantly.... She is a chosen child of the risen Lord and she OWNS the title. She takes her responsibility as a steward of God's children very seriously and is diligent in pursuing Christ. My momma has the makings of a well seasoned believer and she isn't even 45 yet! 

Mom, I love you from the very bottom of my heart and I can't imagine my life without you. Thank you for loving me enough to show me some tough love every once in a while and for being the voice of reason when I am in utter chaos. My kids and I are blessed by God to have you as our family and I know that wherever we go you will always be here for us. Even as I write this now, I get a tad emotional because you just mean sooo much to me and to the rest of the wolf pack. From all of us this Mother's Day, we say WE LOVE YOU MOM!! You're our hero in the faith!

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
   and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
                                                          *Proverbs 31:30-31*

Mom and Mike

Mom and Angus

Oh, and one last thing......


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