Monday, May 2, 2011

Summer Is Coming.... Well, Maybe

What is with this weather Lord? I spent the better part of yesterday outside with the kids.

And now today we are stuck inside watching netflix and drinking hot chocolate. Not horrible, just not as much fun as yesterday :(

Over the last week the world has seen some pretty awe inspiring things and I can feel God's might in everything. The royal wedding was beautiful and brought the world to a place of celebration for what seemed like just a brief moment; the deadly hurricanes in the Southern United States made us realize, once again, that it is God's timing for ALL things, even death and destruction. And now today the United States beams with excitement at the thought of a mass murderer being killed and defeated. Whoa. Like major whoa.

Watching the royal wedding was awesome and I can't say enough about Kate's dress! Not to mention the guest list and yes, the princesses that wore THE most interesting fascinators and outfits the world has seen yet. 

To these gals, I say "Fabulous choice!!"
It may not be other peoples cup of tea, but at least they went for it! Really, when else wold they have had the opportunity to wear these get ups??

The death of Osama Bin Laden brings with it the rejoicing of thousands of Americans and a lingering sense that this battle is far from over. Twitter pages, Facebook and Myspace are chocked full of comments and status updates relating to Bin Ladens death.... and it's kinda freaky. In a world of social networks and instant news updates, the idea of maintaining appropriate social boundaries has long since been blurred. Although I am relieved that such a horrible man is now facing God's judgement, I fear that people have lost their civility and replaced it with aggression and angst. Please, don't misunderstand me. I am glad to have Osama Bin Laden dead; He alone had the ability to stay hidden in a world where everyone knew his face, and that speaks volumes to the amount of power he had over people. I've read Facebook updates speaking to the fact that God loves everyone, including the leader of Al Qaeda, and how Christ must be saddened by the world's response to a very public death. To you I say "Peace, be still and know that He is God." The United States might be showing its ugly card right now, but we are human and this man deserved justice. Is that not also one of God's commandments? Either way you slice it, Bin Laden has faced God's judgement by now (or maybe not, he had a lot to account for) and is in his eternity. 

On a lighter note, work is going alright and I am excited for Mother's Day and my 3 day weekend! Amen!!


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