Friday, October 15, 2010

20 things....!!

The following is a list of 20 things that you might not know about me.... :)

1. I love to dance - not just groove, but DANCE!

2. My favorite snack that I usually have to hide from the rest of the family for fear they might eat it is.... Marshmallow cream. Yes, the stuff you use to make fudge. I eat it a spoonful at a time.

3. I feel the closest to God when I am singing praises to Him.

4. I wouldn't consider myself a person of artful culture, but an expressive face in a photo can make me cry.

5. My dream job would be a Supreme Court Justice or a make up artist employed by Make Up Forever.

6. When I own my own home, I would like there to be a fireplace in my bedroom.

7. My favorite color is Gold.

8. Favorite drink from Satrbucks..... Grande-Iced-Hazelnut-Ristretto-White Mocha. Not for the faint of heart, its VERY SWEET!

9. Favorite TV show is Lost. Duh! I heart Dr.Jack.

10. If I have anymore kids, I want to incorporate my mother's name (Sherry) into the full name, but haven't been able to think of anything thus far. Don't worry, I am NOT currently prego!!

11. I want to read Condoleezza Rice's new memoir so bad!! Birthday list... I think yes!

12. I never leave my house without my cell phone, children, lip gloss and Ipod.

13. I love the smell of coconut tanning oil and laying out in the sun for a nap.

14. I love taking long hot baths, but hate having to prep and blow dry my hair afterwards.

15. The first thing I notice about a person is their eyebrows; shape, length, brow bone, fullness.

16. My first concert was Amy Grant.... yeah. Still a huge thanks to my Auntie Kathy!

17. My dream place to live is Sitka, Alaska even though I have never been there.

18. I love my children, that goes without saying, but they really are my hearts contentment.

19. If I could change one thing about myself, it would be the way I manage my time.

20. I am currently searching for a mascara that isn't waterproof and stays in place all day.... I will keep you posted.

Bet ya didn't know some of this stuff about me!

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