Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's been one of those days

Its been one of those days when I just want to come home and sleep; Its been one of those days when I want to curl up in bed and watch season 6 of Lost, or maybe True Blood season 2; Its been one of those days when I am spiritually fatigued.

Webster's dictionary defines fatigued as, "Temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work." The thing I like about this definition is that it begins with the word temporary. It means there is hope. Hope for what, I am not sure yet but its there. After my last blog entry, I thought the worst battle for my sister was over and that she would be back to her normal self in record time. How wrong some people can be.

After the original announcement that they had indeed lost their unborn child, then my sister was admitted to the hospital where she underwent a procedure to remove the child from her body. Originally there wasn't a real rush to get her in for the procedure, but when she spiked a fever in hardly any time at all the doctors went right in. Its moments like this that really bring out how quickly a family can join together and get things done. Their son Conner was picked up by his other grandma and my mom went to the hospital late last night and into this early morning to be with Sophie. I am happy to announce that Sophie has been released from the hospital and is on the mend.... physically. I haven't had a real opportunity to visit with her yet, so I am anxious to hear how my brave sister is doing.

This makes my last statement about my personal spiritual fatigue seem selfish, I know this. But like I said, moments like this can test a families ability to join together and get things done. Just the thought of a loved one in trouble can be very tiring. I don't know how many times in the last 3 days I have called her just to tell her that I love her. I am not quite sure what I would do without her! I had to remind myself that she wasn't in mortal danger and that with time, she would indeed be back to normal.

One thing I am still confident of, is that we as a family serve a God of unceasing restoration and love. Thank you to everyone that has been praying for my sister and her family!

Post again tomorrow, right now I have got to make dinner. :)

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